who is she?


What a wild ride this career has taken me on! I can’t believe that a giant leap of faith, lots of hard work, scratching for every crumb, and plenty of tears would have put me here!
The opportunities this career has given me are seriously things I could have only dreamed of! I intend to share it all here with you, and to document the magic as it unfolds.

Thanks for being part of my story, supporting me, and hiring me. I’m forever grateful!
I am called to do this!
11 years in and hungry for more

behind every successful woman

This man! Look at him, that smile! I’m beautifully intoxicated by him! I feel overwhelmed with how much joy and happiness he brings me! Sometimes I just think how the hell did I get so blessed to have him! He has been a powerful force in my life as I have built my career he has been nothing but supportive.

Marriage isn’t to be endured! It deserves to be a party with your best friend. It’s being with that person to hold your hand and hold it tight when you’re in the darkest hours. Then take that same hand and lead you out of the dark to find the most immense light, together! It’s laughing so damn hard your whole face crinkles up. It’s crying through heartbreak and cheering on one another’s success. It’s being so content to “just be” with one another. It’s chasing each other around the house half naked and laughing because you feel five all over again. It’s a sense of calm and peace. It’s warmth in your soul! There just isn’t anything like it, that your best friend is also your person and they have you!

the girls

Zilla & Rosie are my fur babies I got Zilla when she was a puppy and I was in college. We have grown up together and now she can be a grumpy old lady at times. Rosie we adopted a few years ago. We were meant to find each other. I love our little family. They are spoiled and know it! You can often find us at Home Goods shopping until we drop. Don’t be shy and come say Hi!


When I’m not working with clients I am out riding the Harley with my honey! We like to adventure together, get dirty camping, and explore everywhere our wheels will take us.